Am I actually doing this?!

As I was gradually getting rid of and packing up the items I had accumulated in my terraced house my big move started to become a lot more real…The day was getting closer and as it did I started to feel more and more unsettled. Sat in the car with my partner a few weekends before I was due to leave Birmingham I found myself staring out the window in silence fighting back a panic attack. What on earth was this about?! I was super excited not too long ago and now this?! The confusion mixed with the anxiety was just too much and I broke down in tears wondering if I had made the right decision. Could I really do this? Am I really capable of moving somewhere totally different on my own? The reality of what was happening hit me like a truck and my nervous system did NOT like this change at all. I had lived in Birmingham for around 12 years and it felt like I was killing the life I had and starting a new one…. Probably because I was! This was a big step out of my comfort zone and I was really starting to feel the discomfort!

This got me thinking about how many of us settle for comfort over real happiness. A hard thing to accept but you know that’s what I’m here for gorgeous ones 😉 In reality many of us are living waaaay too much in our comfort zones and settling for a moderately ‘ok’ life because of it. Trouble is, that’s what we’re told we should be striving for right? The chocolate box, ‘dream life’ existence that we should all want. You know the one I mean…. Get a steady job, a house, a car, marriage, children and 1 or 2 holidays a year to enjoy for the 40+ years you’re working in the boring ass job you hate until you can finally enjoy your life at 65! This doesn’t sound wonderful to me and people call ME crazy for pushing towards a different existence.

This way of life has been drummed into our heads so much that of COURSE I would be terrified to live a semi nomadic lifestyle after keeping myself in a pretty standard life (which I hated). However, the self-appreciation I had developed over the last year was making it impossible for me to settle for mediocre. I wanted to experience MORE from life and so I decided to travel a little. I’m fortunate that I am able to do Locum work in my NHS day job which also means I can work in various parts of the UK on temporary contracts. I have been wanting to try this for about a year and now is the time!

So I’d love to ask you these questions….

What is the biggest obstacle to you getting the life you truly desire? For example, time/money restrictions, low confidence etc…

If you weren’t restricted by these things, what would your life look like? What would you do?

What is one thing (nothing is too small) that you can do to move yourself towards this? It’s incredible what a difference taking even 1 step each day can make.

Remember that the beliefs we hold abut ourselves and the world around us play a HUGE part in what we do and don’t do. Becoming more aware of what these beliefs are is an important step towards manifesting the life you truly want.

Until next time, have a lovely week gorgeous ones!

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